Alles zum Thema Luftfahrt Historie

Hilfe bei der Identifizierung eines Flugzeugs

10 Jahre 4 Monate her #1004 von moewe1982
Dear Peter,

I am glad that I could help you providing the necessary information. I hope you will find further information concerning your grandfather and his activities in the aerospace industry.

Merry Christmas


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  • Peter Sjögren
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10 Jahre 4 Monate her #1001 von Peter Sjögren
Dear Martin,
Thank you very, very much, this was exactly what I wanted :laugh:
it wasn´t just a guess it was a real identification, I have now found a lot of photos and also the same photo as mine.
The best find, so far is the Wikipedia page about the Siebel Flugzeugwerke ( de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siebel_Flugzeugwerke ) were I can read about thier building of the Junkers 88, maybe that is why they looked similar, except for the size, the "Hallore" was a lot smaller, it was hard to tell from the photo.
I do also recognize the story about the moving of the whole factory with employees to Russia, my grandfather was one of the engineers who had to follow.
He did not get back to Leipzig until 1954.


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10 Jahre 4 Monate her #1000 von moewe1982
Dear Peter,

just a guess from my side, but the picture and the information provided from you side indicates that this aircraft is a Siebel Fh 104 "Hallore".
This Aircraft was produced by Flugzeugbau Halle (which became later on the Siebel Flugzeugwerke).

Hope this helps.


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10 Jahre 4 Monate her #999 von schwede
I am sorry if I do not write in German but I do not speak it.

I have a question about a specific aircraft, which I do not know more about than it is my grandfather who is the constructor of it. At least if I can believe my late grandmother.

So my question is if anyone at the forum can identify the aircraft ?, and give me some kind of name on it?, and also if he/she could verify what my grandmother has told me?
My grandfather´s name was Arthur Beth, and he was born 1895 and lived in Halle, close to Leipzig, I also know he was deeply involved in the construction of the V2 missile.
My guess is that the aircraft is some model of Junkers, just because the production of them were close to Halle, but I have not found any of their models that look the same, maybe similar but not exactly the same.:(
Kindly regards
Peter Sjögren

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